Tuesday, September 10, 2019


What is persistence?

The act of persisting.
The quality of being persistent.
Continued existence or occurrence.
The ability to stick with something.

This was the word I chose for 2019.  When I chose this word my main focus was to stick to my health and fitness goals.  I tend to get so far and take a little break or let something slow me down until I have given up.  It has happened again and again over the last few years.  

Fall of 2011 I picked up running again and so begin my battle with reaching my fitness goals.  Here we are 8 years later and I still haven't reached my ultimate goal.  2018 started off so good for me and I was so close to reaching my goal before I got really sick in October and let that be my downfall.  When 2019 rolled around I was struggling.  I was disappointed in myself, in my lack of motivation and my willpower.  I decided to pick a word and make a vision board.

Persist is my word for 2019.  My quote is "nevertheless she persisted".

The beginning of my year was full of ups and downs.  Highs and lows.  I would start up and fall flat.  Around April I realized sadly I would not be bikini ready for summer. ;)  I am normally the most positive and happy person in the room so this struggle was hard for me.  I couldn't figure out what was not right, not working, not letting me move forward.

Rewind to November 2018 when a friend told me I should listen to a podcast during my drive to and from work.  Why would I want to do that?  You love to read and you love a good mystery so you would love this podcast.  Okay, okay I will try it.  This was the best thing ever.  I am so into what I am listening to that Tom, Dick and Harry could cut me off, ride my butt or cuss me and I wouldn't care.  I listened every morning and evening for almost 2 weeks and then the podcast was over.  OVER!  What am I going to do?!?!  I tried a few others and couldn't get into them and one afternoon I saw that Sadie Robertson has a podcast.  I always liked that family so I gave it a whirl.  I ended up really liking her podcast, especially one day when I heard Annie F. Downs and that led me to Annie's podcast.  So for months I was going between Sadie, Annie and Rachel Hollis.  These 3 women are all good Christian women who send good messages and positive vibes.  It was something I needed in my life.  Something that had been lacking more and more the past couple of years.  It was good for my soul to have this time with them and God.  Normally drives to work, workouts and runs were my time to talk to God, but clearly I wasn't getting enough time and He found a way to get more time with me.

Around May is when things started falling into place for me.  Or I should say puzzle pieces starting fitting together.  God was about put me back together again. I was making it to bungee training so I was getting 2-3 hours of fitness in a week. A friend had invited me to join her FB group about fitness & nutrition and another friend had done a post about her daily morning thing "front porch church".  A daily women's devotional.

One morning I decide to pull up this Big Life Devotional Podcast and give it a listen.  Little did I know that Lisa's Front Porch Church was about to become my Drive Time Church.  The first morning was a little overwhelming.  I am generally a happy person, but this Pamela was over the top.  She was just to bright and chipper for me I thought to myself.  All during the day her words would pop in my head though and on my drive home I found myself listening to her again.  The next morning I listened again and the next afternoon.  After a week of listening to the days devotionals and going back randomly picking an old one I was hooked.  I was following her on Instagram and Facebook.  She was exactly what I needed.  She loves Jesus.  She finds her strength in Him.  Its her love and devotion to Him that helps her find her happy.  Until I started listening to Pamela every day I didn't realize I was really missing true happy.  That I got Jesus and nothing is going to bring me down happy.

My friend Jennifer invited me to her Facebook group Sister Shred and I gladly went.  I could always use some encouragement from others about health and fitness.  I am getting so much more!!  Yes its about health and fitness, but its about being positive, loving and encouraging sisters to one another.  I thought I was going to do some fitness and health challenges, but I am getting so much more.  I am totally 100% loving what I am learning health/fitness wise, but I am also learning so much more about me.  We are doing this Morning Meltdown 100 and she added a devotional to it.  100 Days to Brave.  I needed this book in my life.  Each day something I read is helping me to be braver.  To be the real me.  The real Kelly Bea and not care if I fit a mold.  It was another way for God to say "yo Kelly Bea you really are needing more of me in your life".

I share all that to say that while I picked the word persistence for 2019.  My quote is "Nevertheless she persisted", but it has been God that has been persistent with me.  He knew that I wasn't reaching my goals and finding pure joy because I was leaving him out of my life a little too much.  He threw Himself back into my life in bits and pieces until I was craving more of Him. Needing Him in all I do.  Here we are in September and I am thriving and I know its not just because of my persistence, but because He was persistent with me!

Life is so much easier when He is there with us.  Yes, I believe He is there not only for the big things in life, but all things.  He is with me when I make myself get up at 5 AM to work out.  He is there when I make choices on what food to put in my mouth.  Because He is there I am stronger to tell the devil to go on his merry way.  Because He is there I am more persistent!

I am so ready to crush some goals before this year is over!  I am so happy to have Jesus filling up my heart and soul.  I look forward to sharing more of my journey with yall.  Let's go out and be persistent!

Thank you for stopping and have a wonderful day!