Monday, January 1, 2018

January Jump Start

First off, I want to say thank you so much to everyone who reached out after my "Dancing On The Edge" post the other day.  Your words, thoughts and prayers have warmed my heart so much!!  Thank you so very much! I think one of the best medicine's is talking and sharing with one another.

I want to start this year off in full force!  The quickest way to form a habit is to do something consistently so I have a few challenges for January.


The first is to get active DAILY!!  That's right every single day we need to do some of form of exercise.  A minimum of 10 minutes a day.  Go for a walk, a run, a quick 10 minute workout, hit a class at the gym, do some weight training, jump rope, jumping jacks or whatever physical activity you can think of.  Just get moving daily!


Just follow the list above and get your picture each day.  You can post your photo's daily, weekly or wait till the end of the month and do them all at once.  Post them on your blog, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.  When you post on social media use the hashtag #kcphotochallenge. Be sure to leave a comment with a link to your photo's and/or link up this post to your photo's so more can join in.


It's a new year and with that comes goals and resolutions so lets make a Vision Board of our goals for 2018.  I saw this idea on Pinterest the other day and loved it.  List your goals, pictures, quotes and whatever inspires you.  Be sure to share your board on your blog/social media and leave a link in comments so we can all check it out.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Let's make 2018 the greatest!